
This website

I consider this to be my personal digital garden and, as such, things might move around and get edited. I was inspired by other personal websites from the webring.

Like most things I make, this site was built to learn something new (namely HTML and CSS), therefore there are a few wonky things here and there, but hey, it works.


These pages start as Markdown notes written with Obsidian, and are converted into HTML by a haphazardly written Python script called potoo. Images are optimized for size with ImageMagick, using tips from Dook, and GIFs are converted into smaller MP4 files with an FFmpeg script stolen from rostiger.

The fonts I use are Fredoka for the headings, and Josefin Sans for the text body.


You can reach out to me on the Fedi, or by sending an email to contact at this-domain-name.
